Debbie Reynolds
Believing in yourself and your book
Are you THRILLED or CHILLED at the prospect of selling your book to strangers? Many writers are introverts, and shy about self-promotion, right? We’d rather hide than go out and try to talk to anyone about our books. This workshop will provide concrete items to remember when attending events and approaching (gasp!) the general public. They will help build your confidence for visiting bookstores, contacting publishers and agents, and believing in the wonderful work that you have created.
Learn how to draw readers to your display, how to engage them, and practice specific sound bites to have at hand. Confidence sells, and preparation is essential. Approach your offering not as a favor they’re doing for you—but a gift you are giving them, the enjoyment of your carefully crafted story. Choose your audience and events carefully and tailor your presentation for each outing; and always, always, have something in mind to say which frames your book attractively for those times when you’re tired or nervous and just want to hide.
For every level from not-yet-published to holding up that precious copy at a signing or a local craft fair, these are tips that will help you engage and interest people in your work. Remember, you ARE living your dream.
Potential for role-playing with volunteers. Handout/worksheet.