Pennwriters 38th Annual Pennwriters Conference is coming your way. Registration will open in January, 2025 for the three-day conference at the
Pittsburgh Airport Marriott and for the intensives held the day before the conference.
The conference begins at 9:00 am on May 17 and runs through Sunday, May 18.
Our conference pricing structure offers three-day, two-day, and single-day prices. The base conference fee includes the following, based on your choice of days:
- Friday Networking Luncheon
- Friday Keynote Dinner with Natalie Richards
- Friday Night Read & Critique (Small fee for non-members)
- Saturday General Meeting with Breakfast
- Saturday keynote lunch with Brent Maguire
- Saturday night social (Edgar Allen Poe Night)
- Pitch appointments with agents (first registered, first assigned)
You can enhance your conference experience with this add-on item:
Thursday, May 15th Pennwriters will offer three workshops. Follow this link for details:
PreCon Intensive 2025.
One morning session followed by a choice of one of two afternoon sessions. Select one, or pair an afternoon session with the morning intensive.
Lunch will be offered on Thursday for an additional fee.
All authors are invited to contact the 2025 Bookseller, Mystery Lovers Bookshop. Find their forms at this link:
If you would like to place an ad in the Conference Program, follow this link:
Don't forget to have your one-page "On The Wall" contest submission ready to go. Categories are fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Attendees will vote for their favorite.
Here are some of the highlights:
Keynote Speakers
Just like in years past, attendees can enjoy our Friday evening and Saturday Keynote speakers. Natalie Richards will present the Friday Keynote address and Brent Maguire will present the Saturday luncheon address. Read more about the Conference Keynotes 2025 speakers and their presentations.
Pitch an Agent or Editor
Schedule a pitch session with agents and/or editors! Read what these professionals are searching for by reading their bios and wishlists before starting registration. Follow this link to read the details: Agents & Editors 2025
Read and Critique
Get some feedback on your WIP Friday evening after the keynote! Once again, there will be a Read and Critique opportunity for all conference attendees. Everyone is welcome even if you haven't submitted a written piece. Submission spots are limited, so make sure to choose this option during registration.
This year's conference will feature 60 workshops led by experienced instructors. You can find the full description of courses at this link: Workshop List 2025
You can also download the schedule of workshops from the document library, keeping in mind that changes could occur, at this link: 2025 Annual Conference Workshops Schedule
Annual General Meeting
Saturday morning will start with the Annual General Meeting for all members. We hope you'll attend. Hear about the great news of the past year and what is upcoming for the year going forward. Included will be the treasurer's report, presentation of the 2024 Annual Meeting minutes, election results, an annoumcement about the 2026 Annual Conference, and a message from Pennwriters President, Dan Arndt.
Remember your 2025 Conference experience with a Conference tee-shirt. Available in any size you need with the conference logo on a soft, gray tee-shirt. Order when you register.

Remember to make your hotel reservation. Please follow this link created by the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott exclusively for Pennwriters: Link
We hope you'll join us in May for the 38th Annual Pennwriters Conference!